How to Track Button Clicks with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics

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If you have buttons on your website, it’s important to track whether visitors are clicking them. This helps you understand if users are engaged and interested in your offer. In this post, I’ll show you how to track button clicks with Google Tag Manager and send those events to Google Analytics.

To get started, you’ll need to have Google Tag Manager installed on your website and have the Google Analytics tag installed within the GTM container. If you’re not familiar with these tools, check out this tutorial on how to install GTM and GA4.

Once GTM is set up, you can start tracking clicks on your website. To do this, go to GTM and click “Triggers,” then “New,” and then “Trigger Configuration.” Select “All Element Clicks” and leave all the settings as they are for now. Name the trigger “All Element Clicks” and click “Save.”

Next, go to “Variables” and make sure that you have enabled the click variables, such as “Click ID,” “Click Classes,” and “Click Text.” If you don’t see these variables, click “Configure” and check the boxes next to each variable.

Now it’s time to test the trigger. Click “Preview” in GTM and enter the URL of the page where you want to track the button. Click “Connect” and then click the button on your website. You should see the click event in the GTM preview mode.

You can click on the event to see more information about the click, such as the “Click ID,” “Click Classes,” and “Click Text.” If you have a value in the “Click ID,” this is a good variable to use in your trigger to track specific button clicks. However, if you don’t have any useful values, you can use a more advanced solution called a CSS selector and “Click Element.”

Now that you have your trigger set up, it’s time to create a tag to send the click data to Google Analytics. Go to GTM and click “Tags,” then “New,” and then “Tag Configuration.” Select “Google Analytics: GA4 Event” as the tag type.

In the “Configuration” section, choose your GA4 property and enter the event details, such as the event category, action, and label. You can also set up additional fields to send more information about the event.

Next, go to the “Triggering” section and select the “All Element Clicks” trigger you created earlier. Click “Save” to save the tag.

Now, when someone clicks the button on your website, the click event will be sent to GA4 and you’ll be able to see the data in the GA4 reports. To view the data, go to GA4 and select the “Events” report. You should see the button click event listed with the event details you set up in the tag configuration.

By tracking button clicks with GTM and GA4, you can get a better understanding of how users are interacting with your website and what actions they’re taking. This can help you make informed decisions about your website’s design and content.